Helping Info Product And Online Education Companies Add An Extra $10k-$50k/mo In Sales With Email Sales Campaigns.

We’ll Write Your emails. You Just Press Send And Profit.
$10k-$50k In Sales In 30 Days Guaranteed.

Here's How It Works

1. Tell Us What You Sell

Simply tell us what kind of product you sell and the target market you sell to.

02. We'll Write Your Emails

We'll use our proprietary process to craft converting sales emails.

3. We Tell You When To Send Them

We'll map out your sequencing and tell you in which order to send them.

4. You Press Send And Profit

You upload the emails to your email service provider, press send and count the $$

The Guarantee

If you don't generate $10k-$50k within 30 days of working with us, we'll keep working until we get you to it.

Why am i doing this?

Because im so confident in our ability to deliver on our promise that im willing to put my money where my mouth is.

Its simple. If we dont deliver. You shouldn't have to pay.

If that sounds fair to you then...

Meet The Founder

Sam Brincat

You know how alot of marketers over promise and under deliver?

Well i've made it my mission to change that...

I was once in your shoes, a business owner that desperately needed more sales...

After trying agency after agency I noticed a common theme, they just didn't care about my business as I did.

So I put in countless hours to learn the skill of email marketing so that I could make a REAL impact in not only my own businesses but especially for my clients.

Today my objective is exactly that, I GET people more business.
I'm dedicated to doing the best work I can for my clients and treat their businesses like it's my own.


Sam Brincat.

Me and my numero uno...


Q: Why work with you? What makes you special?

A: First we focus ONLY on email. We're not a full-service agency, we're email specialists.
Second, we only service info product and online education companies.

Q: Are you going to steal my credit card and run away?

A: No. Before any deals are made, we chat on a Zoom call to make sure we're a fit to work together.

Q: What results will I actually get from this?

A: You will see an increase in your sales. an extra $10k-$50k in sales.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: We have a few different options. We can discuss the best option for your specific business over a call.